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The Saskatoon Engineering Society (SES) includes all engineering members of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) who pay applicable membership fees, and that live or work within a 200 km radius of Saskatoon. At the option of the Executive Committee of the SES, other interested persons who are not qualified for full membership may join the SES as affiliates.

The SES strives to advance the engineering profession by supporting the engineering community. Our main goals are:

  • Generally represent the profession within the designated geographic area of the SES
  • Promote interest and participation by members in its activities, objectives, and current issues of the profession
  • Inform students and educators about careers in the profession
  • Promote the engineering profession and educate the public about the engineering profession
  • Provide support to students engaged in, or entering, engineering education
  • Promote continuing education for members

We organise a variety of networking and other events each year, and encourage you to become involved. 

Check out updates to Events.

Premium Membership is now available, and provides additional benefits: Register for your Premium Membership

If you find the need, you may check our old website at